Scholarship Eligibility

The following information outlines the criteria for recipient selection:


The Friendship Memorial Scholarship Plan was established to award scholarship funds to current high school seniors entering their first year at a College, University or Technology School. The scholarship recognizes academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and future potential. The awards are intended to assist students attending a College, University, or Technology School of their choice and to recognize their academic and career objectives.


All Newfane High School seniors entering their freshman year at a College, University or Technology school are eligible to receive this scholarship.

Applicants must submit the completed Scholarship Application form and transcript to the Guidance office by the end of April each year.


Completed applications and related materials will be reviewed by the Friendship Memorial Scholarship Committee to determine the winners. Candidates will be selected based on their academic record, leadership in school and the community, participation in Athletics, and future academic and career potential.

Applicants will earn points in four categories:


         Athletics                                                        10 points

         Student Council                                             10 points

         Honor Society                                                10 Points

         Other Extra Curricular Activity                        10 Points



       Points will be calculated by taking the applicants overall GPA at the end of the second marking period of their Senior Year and multiplying it by 10. For example, a   student with a 3.5 GPA at the end of the second marking period of their senior year would receive 35 points.


       A maximum of 100 points will be awarded for student work experience, community service, school attendance, spiritual leadership, peer leadership, and participation in scouting or community functions.

 4.      ESSAY:

       On a separate sheet, please compose a typewritten essay explaining your educational objectives, reason for your college and career choices, and the reason why you are deserving of scholarship support. The essay must be doubled spaced and no longer than two pages. Maximum points awarded will be 100.


Three scholarships in the amount of $750 will be available annually. The Friendship Memorial Scholarship Committee and the families of Michael Molisani, David Hesch and Eric Lohnes will score the applications and choose the winner.


The winning candidates will receive the funds at the annual scholarship assembly/meeting. The assembly/meeting will be held at a mutually agreed upon time of the Committee and recipients.  


Additional Information on the scholarship plan may be obtained from the Friendship Memorial Scholarship Committee. Contact your guidance counselor for this information.